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Sofia Tiar

Member of the jury




Sofia Tiar has started playing piano at the age of 7 in Alger, where she has learnt besides Irina Smolina, russian pianist student of Lev Oborin, who had won the Marguerite-Long and Chopin competitions. As adviced by her professor, Sofia Tiar moved to Paris and became the student of Pierre Sancan, and then Eliane Richepin at the Université Musicale Internationale in Paris, while learning more about musicology at Sorbonne Paris IV.


At the same time, she studied physics and graduated from IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School. She gave up playing the piano for a long time, during which she turned to IT and quickly took on senior responsibilities in major CAC 40 companies in the digital sector.  After returning to the piano, Sofia perfected her skills with Victoria and Rena Shereshevskaya, returning to the high level of her early career, giving recitals and playing with her chamber music partners. Recognised for her qualities as a manager and accomplished artist, she was appointed President of the Saint-Nom-La-Bretèche Conservatoire.



01 34 35 18 53

Horaires : Lundi > 14h / 18h 

et du Mardi au Vendredi > 10h / 13h - 14h / 18h

©SBerquin - 2024

Crédits photos - © Bruno Beucher, ©Julien Bigorne

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Chopin's Concerto n°1 - Arthur Rubinstein
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